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'LDNRBS: Art Breeds Creativity 2' Review

Good vibes, good music and amazing talent is how I can describe the show tonight. 'Art Breeds Creativity' is a show presented by LDNRBS which brought singers, rappers and spoken word artists from all over the UK to one stage. In 'Cargo', Shoreditch, amazing artists blessed the stage.

As a massive music lover these types of shows are the ones I love most! Getting to vibe with great artists in such a intimate venue and really getting to feel the raw energy. Another thing I love about shows like this is a lot of the time I go home leaving with a whole bunch of new artists to add to my iTunes library, which is always a plus. There is so much undiscovered and underrated talent in the streets of the UK that deserves so much more recognition and I thank LDNRBS for bringing them all together to shine on a stage.

I took some shots of my favorite artists of the night. 'Skinny Malone' was one of the first artists that I hadn't heard of before the show, nevertheless, brought a lot of energy and managed to get the crowd pumped.

'Jords' came through with his smooth voice and positive aura, he had the crowd singing along to classic song 'Your Mind'. He also performed 'Cloud 99' taken off of his latest project 'Before We Begin' which I must say now is great and I'm overdue to write a review on that. I was looking forward to seeing Jords as I've been listening to him for years but never actually got to see a live performance so it was definitely good to see him and regardless of it being a short set he still lived up to my expectations.

I was so excited to see 'Ayowrt' as I haven't seen him perform before and however I was slightly let down that I didn't hear any of my favourite tracks from him which include 'Ghnagrl', 'Drama' or 'Headache' which are probably the most bait. aside from that his performance was still great! his wordplay, voice and the way he projects his thoughts into spoken word is so amazing. He is so talented and I hope he goes very far.

An artist that I had heard of before but never really sat down and taken in her music was 'Giorgia Lo'. Her name seemed familiar although I couldn't recall knowing any of her songs, howeverrrr after this performance she definitley got a follow and a few likes on her soundcloud account. I have been banging 'Watch an Learn' ever since. She's definetley a hidden gem.

It was also my first time seeing 'Hanna Grazia' who I had listened to previously and was already a fan of also performed. She performed a new song I believe, which I can't wait to hear a studio version of. Alongside with 'Deja Vu' which is probably her most known song and I must say her voice in real life is just as good maybe even better then how it sounds through your speakers. I really believe this young girl has so much to offer to the UK R&B scene, I see a lot of potential in her and look forward to hearing more music!

Last but not least, my favourite performer of the night goes to Shae. Not only did she come on the stage in her fur jacket looking like a bosss but she also shut it downnn! Her voice literally gave me goosebumps, the vocal range was crazy and she was hitting every note. I was a fan of Shae before seeing her perform and to be honest with you I think I love her even more now that I have seen her live. She sang some of her best to date including 'Melanin' which I love, and also done an acoustic song which sounded like a remake of Robin Thicke's 'Lost Without You' which I fell in love with straight away, everyone that knows me knows that I love an acoustic. I hope we get to hear a studio version of that too!

Overall the night was really good. The only negative was probably the crowd! Throughout some performances (mostly towards the end) I could just hear people chattering behind me which was quite annoying especially as I was at the front as well but I guess thats going to happen regardless, I just wish people weren't so rude. But nevertheless, the energy was correct, the talent was there and I did enjoy myself so big up LDNRBS one time and I look forward to the next one!

(pictures and videos attached below)

est. 2017

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