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Mahalia @ Omeara, London - 14.03.18

Ok, so usually I take pride in being one of those people that discover music and artists before they blow up and I enjoy not following the 'hype' of music. However, I'll have to admit that I did discover Mahalia from 'Sober' which I'd personally say is one of her most known songs and definitely got her noticed from a large audience but I'l still say that I did know about sober before everyone else haha.

Anyway, Mahalia is an extremely talented young lady from Leicester who makes amazing music. She has a very unique sounding voice which stood out to me straight away and she also seems very humble and a genuinely nice person which is always a plus for me. I'll also add that her team is amazing, shoutout to her manager who let me come through.

I had the pleasure of being able to attend her show in Omeara, London. Unfortunately I couldn't stay until the end however I did catch the opening act Iyamah who came out with her guitarist Elijah, they were both very sick! I will attach shots and also her latest single down below.

As explained I will admit I didn't catch the whole show however i did get to see Mahalia perform a couple songs, honestly her voice sounds the same if not even better in real life the distinct sound in her voice which is hard to explain just sounds so correct lol! I'll just like to claim from now that she will be one of the biggest R&B singers to come out of the UK 100%. I'm really looking forward to a new project from herself.

One of my fav songs at the moment is 'Proud Of Me' by Mahalia featuring Little Simz so i was glad i got to see her perform that.

The crowd loved her so much the energy was amazing in there, sing along gang was loud and proud and i love seeing that at shows especially when it is quite small and an intimate show (which is my fav), certain crowds in London can just be so stoosh.

I also got to see Mahalia paying a few instruments which shows that her skill and talent is more than just singing, she is a great musician and bare in mind she is only 19 years old which is amazing. i cant wait to watch her journey within the music scene!


Iyamah's latest single -

side note - I'm annoyed that I didn't get as many pictures as i'd of liked to but i had to just work with that I had

Photo's by me - Hana G

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